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Is your home safe?

Protect your home & family.
It's a simple process to find out if your home is at risk.

• 1 in 15 homes have high amounts of radon gas
• Radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer
• EPA says Tennessee is a hot spot for elevated radon levels
• Radon poisoning is more deadly to pets than humans
Call us today to make sure your home is NOT at risk!

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You Can Trust

• Licensed and insured
• AARST-NRPP certified 
• Family owned and operated

How radon entesr your home

What is Radon and How Does it Enter Your Home?

Radon is cancer-causing, radiative gas.
You cannot see, taste, or smell radon.

But it is still a serious issue that homeowners face. Radon is a radioactive gas that forms naturally in the ground when radioactive metals such as uranium, thorium, and radium break down in rocks, soil, and groundwater. Radon gas leaves the soil and becomes part of the air and water all around us. In outdoor environments, radon disperses so rapidly that it isn’t
considered harmful. The problem occurs when radon gets trapped in your house. It can be toxic if you
take in a lot of it in over a long period of time. When you breathe it in, radon gets into the lining of your
lungs and gives off radiation. Over time, this damages the cells and leads to lung cancer. In fact, the
Surgeon General says radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.
And the risk of developing lung cancer from radon exposure is estimated at between 10 to 20 times greater for smokers as compared to nonsmokers.
The estimation is that 21,000 people die each year from radon-related lung cancer.

How are You Exposed to Radon?

Radon makes its way into your home through cracks, gaps, and porous materials in floors or walls.
Radon levels are often highest in basements and crawl spaces because they are closest to the ground.
Experts say that nearly 1 out of 15 homes in the U.S. have dangerous levels of radon.
Radon is also in water that comes from lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, but most of it is released into the air
before the water gets to you. EPA suggests there are about 168 deaths annually from radon in water, but
89% of these deaths occur from breathing in the radon particles that the water has released into the air.
Nevertheless, if your home's water supply comes from a well or another groundwater source, you may
want to have it tested for radon.

What is a safe level of radon?
The truth is that the only safe level of radon is no radon. But there is what is considered an acceptable
level. Obviously, the lower your level of radon, the lower your risk of lung cancer.

Radon Act 51 set the target indoor level at 0.4 pCi/L, which is the national outdoor average.
EPA, tasked with setting radon guidelines and recommendations for the U.S., suggests that
two-thirds of American homes exceed that number. EPA has set an action level of 4 pCi/L of radon,
which means homes that have a level of 4 or higher should be mitigated. But the fact remains that levels
under 4 still pose some risk, homeowners can work with their mitigation company to reduce their levels
even further. Mitigation research says that radon levels can be reduced to less than
4 pCi/L 95% of the time and 2 pCi/L can be achieved 70% of the time. 

A radon level of 2 pCi/L is the equivalent of:
• Smoking 4 cigarettes per day
• Receiving 100 chest X-rays per year

A radon level of 4 pCi/L is the equivalent of:
• Smoking 8 cigarettes per day
• Receiving 200 chest X-rays per year

A radon level of 10 pCi/L is the equivalent of:
• Smoking a pack of cigarettes per day
• Receiving 500 chest X-rays per year

While no level of radon is entirely safe, as with most things in life, we are just looking to strike a balance to
find our own “acceptable” level of risk. Between 6,000 and 8,000 deaths per year occur in the United
States due to activities that we all take part in, such as walking on a road where cars are driving or simply
working a job that is outdoors in the sun. We drive cars every single day, which were responsible for
nearly 40,000 deaths last year. The thing is – we have choices to make. We pick which roads to walk on
where cars are driving by. We choose whether to put on sunscreen or not before we work all day in the
sun. We decide whether to get behind the wheel of a car. You have no choice but to breathe, but you can
make an informed decision on the level of radon you are willing to live with and subject your family to.

How can I protect my family?
The only way to protect you and your family is to have your home tested for radon. It is easy. Just call us
to set up a test today. We will arrange for a technician to set up a monitor in your home, which takes 5 to
10 minutes. The monitor is typically picked up in a couple of days. It is the most unintrusive but accurate
way to find out your level of exposure.

Many Counties in TN are
at High Risk

As much as 40% of Tennessee’s population lives in a danger zone.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
lists Middle Tennessee as a high-probability area for radon gas,
with some of the highest levels found in
Davidson, Wilson, Smith, Maury, Williamson and Rutherfod Counties.

All homes should be tested, regardless of zone designation.
Give us a call to schedule testing or for more information on mitigation - we are here to help!


Our Services

Radon Testing


Testing your home is the only way to know if your family is at risk for radon. The good news is it is fast,
easy, and affordable.
Call us to schedule today.

Radon Mitigation


Rely on our certified professionals to leave your air safe to breathe
and your family protected.
Call us for a free,
same-day estimate.

Vapor Barrier


Adding this protection to your crawl space can instantly improve the health of your home along with your personal well-being and safety. Call for an instant quote today.

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